Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries
    • Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries
    • Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries Aria

    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries

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    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs brings the power and majesty of the pipe organ into your studio, place of worship, rehearsal room, or home. with instruments from the Baroque, Classical, Renaissance, Romantic, and Modern eras. You can combine to create new instruments, use convolution sampled reverb to place any organ in a cathedral, concert hall, or other space for spectacular resultsue moderne

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    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries


    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries brings the power and majesty of the pipe organ into your studio, place of worship, rehearsal room, or home. This collection spans 400 years of organ building with instruments from the Baroque, Classical, Renaissance, Romantic, and Modern eras. You can combine stops from different organs to create new instruments, and use convolution sampled reverb to place any organ in a cathedral, concert hall, or other space for spectacular results

    • Six different historic pipe organs, 75 different stops

    Mozart said, “To my eyes and ears the organ will ever be the king of instruments.”

    Six different pipe organs spanning 400 years of organ building

    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs is the only library of its kind to offer a choice of six different historic pipe organs that span more than four hundred years. Baroque, Classical, Renaissance, Romantic, and two Modern pipe organs are represented in this collection. You can play music from the early music repertoire, Bach, lush romantic music, or post-modern music.  The Classic Pipe Organs sampled sound library integrates the uniquely powerful and high-performance ARIA Player

    75 Stops and Combinations

    • Powerful mixing allows combining stops from different organs to create new instruments.
    • Ensemble files provide an easy way to load preset mixtures and combinations of stops that are ready to use.


    Experience the majesty and power of the organ

    Proudly powered by the ARIA Player Advanced Instrument Engine

    The Garritan Classic Pipe Organs sound library is proudly powered by the ARIA Player. No need to purchase a separate sampler.


    Intruments from Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries

    Gothic Blockwerk Stop, Diapason 8’, Stopped Flutes 8’ 4’, Quintadena 8’ 4’, Renaissance 8’ 4’, Pleno Combination, Ripieno Combination, Bass Combination, Renaissance Organ Blower Noise

    Flauto Octava 4’ 2’, Principal 4’, Copula Major 8’, Forte Combination, Plenum plus Reed, Ripieno Combination, Baroque Organ Blower Noise

    Flute 8’, Strings 8’ 4’, Forte 8’ 4’ 2’, Principal 8’, Quintadena 8’, Pleno Combination, Forte Pedal, Pleno Pedal, Classical Organ Blower Noise

    Clarinet 8’, Gamba 8’, Harmonic Flute 1 8’, Harmonic Flute 2 8’, Fortissimo 8’, Forte Combination, Pianissimo Combination, Strings Combination, Tutti Combination, Romantic Organ Blower Noise

    Nasat 2 2-3’, Koppelflote 4’, Flutes 8’ 4’ 1’, Crumhorn 8’, Gemshorn 8’, Prinzipal 8’, Baroque Plenum plus Reed, Baroque Plenum, Brustwerk Tutti, Hauptwerk Tutti, Hauptwerk Mixture, Scharf IV, Symphonic Plenum, Dulzian 16’, Pedal Rauschpfeife IV, Pedal Trompette 8’ 4’, Baroque Plenum plus Reed Pedal, Baroque Plenum Pedal, Posaune Pedal 32’, Modern 1 Blower Noise

    Clarion 4’, Octave 4’, Quintadena 4’, Spitzflote 4’, Rohr Schalmei 4’, Clarinet 8’, Gemshorn 8’, Vox Humana 8’, Principal 8’, Trompette en Chamade 8’, Trompette 8’, Cornet IV, Flute Harmonique, Great Mixture IV, Contre Trompette 16’, Pedal Choral Bass 4’, Pedal Mixture IV, Pedal Nachthorn 8’, Pedal Octave 8’, Pedal Trompette 8’, Pedal Bourdon 16’, Pedal Fagotto 16’, Pedal Principal 16’, Pedal Contre Bourdon 32’, Pedal Contre Fagotto 32’, Modern Organ 2 Blower Noise


    Available : CFX Light -  Classic Pipe Organs - Concert & Marching Band 2 - Harps - Instant Orchestra - Jazz & Big Band 3 - Personal Orchestra 5 - World Instruments - Anthology Collection


    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Virtual Instrument Libraries System Requirements


    • Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP (SP3 required)
    • Core 2 Duo CPU or later recommended
    • 2 GB RAM recommended. There is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded.
    • 3 GB of free hard drive space
    • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
    • Monitor with 1,024×768 resolution or higher
    • A sound card compatible with ASIO
    • Internet connection for download version, updates and online registration
    • DVD-ROM drive required for boxed version installation



    • Mac OS X 10.6 through 10.8
    • Mac Intel CPU (PowerPC not supported)
    • 2 GB RAM recommended. There is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded.
    • 3 GB of free hard drive space
    • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
    • Monitor with 1,024×768 resolution or higher
    • A sound card compatible with Core Audio
    • Internet connection for download version, updates and online registration
    • DVD-ROM drive required for boxed version installation



    • A MIDI interface may be required if you are using a MIDI keyboard. Many keyboards now use USB.
    • A volume pedal and the ability to assign controllers within your keyboard, music program, or sequencer is recommended.
    • High-quality speakers and amplifier, or high-quality headphones
    • A subwoofer is recommended for the pedal stops


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